Everyday Science


★] Who discovered uranus: Herchel.
★] Dry ice is: Solid carbon dioxide.
★] Chemical name of Vinega is: Diluted acetic acid.
★]Hygrometer is used of measuring the: Humidity of air.
★] Killowatt hour is a unit of: Energy.
★]Bronze is an alloy of: Copper and Tin.
★] Acid rain contains High level of Sulphuric and Nitric acids.
★] Corbon dioxide is used in the preparation of soft drinks.
★] Happatitis A is transmitted to different individual by: Water
★] Oasis is associated with: Desert
★] An adults have 32 teeth.
★] Water has maximum density at 4 C.
★].Galileo invented the thermometer.
★].The surface temperature of the Sun is nearly 6000 K.
★]The first stethoscope was made of wood.
★] Liver is the largest gland in human body.
★] Nitrogen is not a greenhouse gas.
★] RDX is an explosive.
★] Amnesia is related to loss of memory.
★] Hepatitis is a disease of Liver.
★]Tetanus is also known as Lockjaw.
★]The most common communicable disease is Influenza.
★] Ringworm is disease caused by Fungi.
★] Radioactivity was discovered by Henry Bequerel.
★] Charles Drew started the first blood bank.
★] Sholes invented typewriter
★] Joseph Priestley discovered Oxygen.
★] There are 12 inches in a Foot.
★] Light year is the unit of Distance.
★].One Yard is equal to  0.914 m.
★] Unit of frequency is Hertz.


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