What are the main powers and duties of the UN Secretary-General? Please select all that apply.
a) Provide support for peacekeeping activities.
b) Carry out a number of research functions and quasi management functions.
c) To approve or disapprove of UN resolutions.
d) All of the options given are correct.
Question 2
Who are the permanent members of the UN Security Council?
a) Japan, Germany, France, Britain, Canada, United States.
b) France, Russia, USA, Britain, China.
c) USA, Germany, Britain, Brazil, China, Nigeria.
d) USA, China, Britain, Germany, India.
Question 3
What are specialized UN agencies?
a) Large institutions which are part of the UN system that have their own constitutions, regularly assessed budgets, executive heads, and assemblies of state representatives, not subject to the management of the central system.
b) Institutions under the control of the General Assembly, which are mandated to look after a specialized topic in international relations.
c) UN regional bodies specialized in the economic and social issues of a region.
d) There are no specialized UN agencies.
Question 4
Who are the current members of the Trusteeship Council?
a) All members of the UN General Assembly.
b) Eleven Trust Territories and seven member states.
c) The permanent members of the Security Council.
d) It varies because membership is elected every year at the General Assembly plenary.
Question 5
What is classical peacekeeping?
a) Classical peacekeeping involves the establishment of a UN force under UN command to be placed between parties to dispute after a ceasefire.
b) UN forces under UN command likely to use force to achieve humanitarian ends.
c) UN forces under UN command used when order has collapsed within states.
d) UN forced deployed in an emergency basis to prevent genocide or ethnic cleansing.
Question 6
What are the main ways in which the UN became involved in maintaining peace and security in the mid-1990s? Please select all that apply.
a) By resisting aggression between states and attempting to resolve disputes within states,
b) By bettering the living conditions of least developed countries in the global south.
c) By focusing on conditions within states, including economic, social, and political conditions.
d) All of the options given are correct.
Question 7
What is the basis of the fear of relaxing the principle of non-intervention?
a) Because it may lead to military action by individual states without UN approval.
b) Because it may lead to UN intervention in the internal affairs of all states.
c) Because some developing countries are suspicious of what appears to be the granting of a license to Western developed states to intervene in their affairs.
d) Because individual sovereignty may become more important than national sovereignty.
Question 8
What are country strategy notes?
a) They are statements about the overall development process tailored to the specific needs of individual countries, setting out targets, roles and priorities.
b) A key feature of the country level reform process in the economic and social arrangements of the United Nations.
c) They are country-specific strategies set out by the United Nations General Assembly, later ratified by ECOSOC as part of the reform process to the UN.
d) None of the options given are correct.
Question 9
What is human security?
a) It is increased human capabilities in military security.
b) The security of people including their physical safety, their economic and social well-being, respect for their dignity, and the protection of human rights.
c) It is a realist approach to the security of the population within a state.
d) None of the options given are correct.
Question 10
Why will further UN reform be necessary?
a) Because the UN will never work democratically as long as it has vetoes in the Security Council.
b) Because of the heightened concern over terrorism, the pervasiveness of inequality and injustice around the world, and the predominance of United States military power, and the need for regional representation in the UN Security Council.
c) Because after Iraq war of 2003 no one believes in the UN any more.
d) All of the options given are correct.
The total number of members represented in General assembly is
The general assembly president serves the office for
6 months
1 year
1.5 years
2 years
The number of permanent members of UN Security Council is
The number of non-permanent members of UN Security Council is
Which of the following is not permanent member of Security council?
United Kingdom
The Head office of International court of justice is situated at
The Hague
New York
Which of the following is not main organ of United Nations?
International Court of Justice
Economic and Social Council
International Monetary fund
The UN day is celebrated every year on
24th September
28th September
24th October
28th October
Which of the following is not function of United Nations Development Programme?
Protect refugees worldwide
Poverty reduction
Crisis prevention and recovery
Energy and environment
Which of the following UN agencies focuses on poverty reduction and the improvement of living standards worldwide?
World Bank
The Head office of International Labor organization is situated at
New York
The Hague
Which of the following is world’s centre for co-operation in the nuclear field?
The UN Charter was signed on
24th June, 1945
26th June, 1945
24th July, 1945
26th July, 1945
Which of the following is not an official language of United Nations?
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